6 research outputs found

    A Resistive Voltage Divider for Power Measurements

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    The paper presents a resistive voltage divider (RVD), developed for power measurements at much higher frequencies than the traditional 50 Hz. The design of the RVD and the methods of its evaluation are described. The RVD is intended to be used in a digital sampling wattmeter application based on National Instruments PXI-4461 Dynamic Signal Analyzer. The design of the divider includes individual copper guards for each resistor, driven by the auxiliary chain of resistors. To reduce the leakage currents, the PTFE terminals are applied between pins of the resistors and the printed circuit board

    A Resistive Voltage Divider for Power Measurements

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    The paper presents a resistive voltage divider (RVD), developed for power measurements at much higher frequencies than the traditional 50 Hz. The design of the RVD and the methods of its evaluation are described. The RVD is intended to be used in a digital sampling wattmeter application based on National Instruments PXI-4461 Dynamic Signal Analyzer. The design of the divider includes individual copper guards for each resistor, driven by the auxiliary chain of resistors. To reduce the leakage currents, the PTFE terminals are applied between pins of the resistors and the printed circuit board

    Thermopile element in the system for the microcalorimeter power measurement

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    U ovom radu dana je teorijska pozadina mjerenja temperature termoparovima. Prikazani su projektirani elementi sustava za mjerenje temperature pomoću termopara, kao i objašnjenje fizičke izvedbe sustava. Nadalje, prikazan je program koji se koristi za povezivanje sustava na osobno računalo te osnovna mjerenja na sustavu. Dan je uvid u rezultate mjerenja u tri režima rada izrađenog sustav. Dane su i smjernice za potencijalno poboljšavanje sustava u idućim mogućim verzijama.In this thesis a theoretical background for temperature measurement by using thermocouples is given. Some of the designed elements needed for measuring the temperature of the thermocouple are presented, as well as an explanation of the physical realisation of the system. Furthermore, program used for connecting the system to personal computer is presented and some basic measurements of the system. Results of measurement for three operational modes of the manufactured system are presented. At the end, guidelines for potential further improvement in upcoming variants are given

    A precision resistive voltage divider with small phase-angle error

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    Cilj ovog završnog rada je konstrukcija preciznog otporničkog djelila napona s malom faznom pogreškom. Ulazni signal napona dijeli se među izoliranim i oklopljenim otpornicima. Utjecaj smetnji umanjen je oklapanjem vodova i otpornika te korištenjem pomoćnog djelila napona u paraleli spojenim s glavnim djelilom. Dijelilo je konstruirano u programskom alatu Altium. Opisane su korištene komponente i način kako su spojene na PCB.The goal of this thesis is construction and implementation of precision resistor voltage divider with small phase-angle error. Input voltage signal is divided between isolated and shielded resistors. Influence of noise is reduced by shielding the lines and the resistors and by using auxiliary voltage divider connectected in paralell with the main divider. The devider is constructed in computer program Altium. Used components and the way they are connected to PCB are described

    Thermopile element in the system for the microcalorimeter power measurement

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    U ovom radu dana je teorijska pozadina mjerenja temperature termoparovima. Prikazani su projektirani elementi sustava za mjerenje temperature pomoću termopara, kao i objašnjenje fizičke izvedbe sustava. Nadalje, prikazan je program koji se koristi za povezivanje sustava na osobno računalo te osnovna mjerenja na sustavu. Dan je uvid u rezultate mjerenja u tri režima rada izrađenog sustav. Dane su i smjernice za potencijalno poboljšavanje sustava u idućim mogućim verzijama.In this thesis a theoretical background for temperature measurement by using thermocouples is given. Some of the designed elements needed for measuring the temperature of the thermocouple are presented, as well as an explanation of the physical realisation of the system. Furthermore, program used for connecting the system to personal computer is presented and some basic measurements of the system. Results of measurement for three operational modes of the manufactured system are presented. At the end, guidelines for potential further improvement in upcoming variants are given

    Thermopile element in the system for the microcalorimeter power measurement

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    U ovom radu dana je teorijska pozadina mjerenja temperature termoparovima. Prikazani su projektirani elementi sustava za mjerenje temperature pomoću termopara, kao i objašnjenje fizičke izvedbe sustava. Nadalje, prikazan je program koji se koristi za povezivanje sustava na osobno računalo te osnovna mjerenja na sustavu. Dan je uvid u rezultate mjerenja u tri režima rada izrađenog sustav. Dane su i smjernice za potencijalno poboljšavanje sustava u idućim mogućim verzijama.In this thesis a theoretical background for temperature measurement by using thermocouples is given. Some of the designed elements needed for measuring the temperature of the thermocouple are presented, as well as an explanation of the physical realisation of the system. Furthermore, program used for connecting the system to personal computer is presented and some basic measurements of the system. Results of measurement for three operational modes of the manufactured system are presented. At the end, guidelines for potential further improvement in upcoming variants are given